List of Events
Midnight Howl KC is proud to partner with these other groups, organizations,
and businesses.
Bar Night - Underdogs
2nd Saturday of each month at Woody’s KC
Starts at 9pm - $5 Cover
Different theme each month… Join us for some fun!
Laid Back Leather
Bar Night - Laid Back Leather
2nd Wednesday of each month at Woody’s KC
Starts at 9pm - No Cover
People of the leather world and all things associated, come out and join this great gathering of like-minded folx.
Bar Night - Pound!
4th Thursday of each month at Woody’s KC
Starts at 9pm - No Cover
A night for Pets and Handlers. Come join the pack!
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
4th Sunday of each month at Woody’s KC
Starts at 4pm
Meet the group, have some fun, find out what is currently happening and what’s coming up next for Midnight Howl KC.
Non-Bar Events
Every Month is different…join us for random outings! It might be roller skating, Laser tag, or it might be a trip to the Renaissance Festival or a pumpkin patch… Who knows?! We typically have one munch each month as well as one outing. Keep an eye on our social media for upcoming events.
Additional local events that are not Midnight Howl KC sponsored events include:
Bear Bust
1st Saturday of each month at Woody’s KC
Starts at 9pm - $5 Cover
Club Night
Club Night – Sponsored by the KC Pioneers
Last Friday of each month at Missie B’s
Starts at 8pm - No Cover
Planet Paws
Planet Paws - Sponsored by Paw Play Productions
1st Monday of each month at Sidekicks Bar.
Starts at 7pm - $5 Cover
Hands-On Workshop
KC Pioneers' Monthly Education
3rd Wednesday of each month at Missie B's Starts at
7 pm.